Chairing the Committee
Overseeing and coordinating the work of the committee and future development of the choir including new members
Liaising with the committee and Director of Music so that preparation for each concert runs to schedule
Communicating with/reporting back to the choir (at rehearsals)
Applying for grants
Musical direction
Hire of soloists and instrumentalists
Planning music for each concert programme with committee
Poster creation
Reserves the music
Sourcing and emailing rehearsal files to members
Taking the minutes at meetings
Keeping membership details
Emailing posters to mailing lists and information to choir members
Keeping and publishing choir accounts
Handling choir bank accounts and payments
Collecting subs
Gift Aid return
Publicity – online, social media, radio, etc
Liaising with Guildford tourist office
Raising our profile in the community generally
Poster distribution
Updating Facebook page
Pre Concert
Arrange the choir dinner after the spring term concert:
Book restaurant
Send out menus
Make sure dietary needs are catered for.
Organise a get together in December to sing carols, usually at a member's house with bring and share refreshments. (Usually done just before the choir sing in the high street)
Help with processing suggestions from choir members.
Administering and updating the website
Setting appropriate permissions for committee and ordinary members to access the restricted pages